"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then I said here am I send, me!"
-Isaiah 6:8

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Calvary Russian Church

Today our team had the great opportunity to attend church
at Calvary Russian Church of Atlanta. We had a great time
observing and participating in a Russian Church service.
After church the team was able to taste some delicious
Russian cooking. We  met with Pastor Andrew Ryzhkov about
our upcoming trip to Belarus. Andrew will be with us on the trip
and we are counting on his knowledge and experience. Please
pray for the team as we leave 2 months from today. Please pray
for the people in the towns where we will be serving - Luninets
and Mikashevichy. Our team still needs $6000-$7000 to meet our
budget. Pray that God will supply the funds. We would
love to have money to buy the Good and Evil Russian Bible
Story books for each child that is in camp. They cost $10 each
but each book that we leave with a child can minister the gospel
to their entire family.

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